Used Candy Cut and Stickpack Wrapper

Candy Cut and Stickpack Wrapper

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Item # 8978 – CANDY CUT AND WRAP STICKPACK WRAPPER Manufactured by THEEGARTEN Model U1-Falt Cut & Wrap Machine Set up for piece size approx. 31 x 19 x 7.5mms Model F1 Stickpack Wrapper Set up ...

Used Candy Cut and Wrap Machine

Candy Cut and Wrap Machine

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Item # 8980 – CANDY CUT AND WRAP MACHINE Manufactured by THEEGARTEN Model U1-Falt Set up for piece size approx. 31 x 19 x 7.5mms This was working with item #8679 extruder and cooling tunnel

Used Candy Cut and Twist Wrapper

Candy Cut and Twist Wrapper

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Item # 9167 – CUT & DOUBLE TWIST WRAPPER Manufactured by NAGEMA Including : NAGEMA Batch Roller, Model ZK1, Year 1987, Reg Number 02761/044. NAGEMA Rope Sizer, supplied by LOYNDS in 2005. NAGE...