Item # 8904 - ASSORTED BISCUIT / CRACKER PACKING LINE Complete semi-automatic cracker biscuit assortment packaging line Manual loading of biscuits / crackers into 6 feeding tubes Packing into pl...
Item # 8964 - ENCRUSTING MACHINE / DEPOSITOR Manufactured by RHEON Model ONO26 200v, 3.1kw For mounting over a conveyor
Item #8863 - ROTARY BISCUIT MOULDER Manufactured by LASER SRL (Italy) Model RMST50 450mms working width Takes standard size trays 18inch wide x 30inch long Including one Moulder for 61.75mms d...
Item # 9092 - (7) BISCUIT ROLLWRAPPING MACHINES Manufactured by SIG Model GTP Rollwrappers Model ZEP Biscuit Feeders/Loading Machines, stack length Suitable for Rectangular, Round & Square Biscuit ...
Item #8848 - BREAD MANUFACTURING AND PACKING LINE Loaf 550g at 3000 per hour Bun 40g at 2800 per hour Including : PEERLESS HS100HD Dough Mixer, (2) KEMPER SPA150 and SP75-125A Spiral Mixers & ...
Item #8967 - BREAD PRODUCTION LINE Manufactured by RADEMAKER working width of 600mms Type Crusto Bake Line Was doing the following types of products : Niittypitko 2000 pcs / h, 2 rows, dough t...
Item # 8903 - COMPLETE PRODUCTION AND PACKING LINE FOR CRISPY ROLLS & TOASTED ROLL SLICES Approximately 435kg/hr Running two sizes of roll 60mm and 70mm diameter, 25g weight Including Diosna Bo...
Artículo n.° 9114 - LÍNEA DE PRODUCCIÓN Y ENVASADO DE CROISSANTS Fabricado principalmente por TRIVI Capacidad de 7.200 piezas por hora (para masas de 50-60g), y 30.000 piezas por hora (para masas...
Item # 9100 - DOUBLE Z-BLADE MIXER Manufactured by NAGEMA Model DMK-400 9100Previously being used for Nougat type products & rework Can also be used for chocolate, dough mixes, etc. Tiltable, ...
Artículo n.° 9130 – MEZCLADORA DE MASA Fabricado por SANCASSIANO Adecuado para galletas, crackers, masas y masas sin gluten. Modelo Genesi GRE Revo Año 2016 Motor de 30 kW, 400 voltios, 50 Hz ...
Artículo n.° 9158 – HORNO PARA CONOS DE OBLEA LAMINADOS Fabricado por STEINHOFF Modelo XT45 Incluye mesa apilable y cabezal de depósito de masa 45 platos para hornear Incluye 4 cabezales girat...
Item #8708 - WAFER SHEET OVEN Manufactured by HAAS Model SWAK-72, 72-Plate Wafer Oven, Plate size 460 x 290mms also includes the Wafer Arch Cooler.
Item #8754 – WAFER SHEET OVEN Manufactured by HEBENSTREIT-RAPIDO Type WAC-32, Mod. 8641, Gas Fired, 32-Plates, 200kW Upper Baking Plate : 3mms x 0.6mms, Oblique Square Lower Baking Plate : ...
Item #8707 - WAFER SHEET OVEN Manufactured by HAAS Model SWAK-64, 64-Plate Wafer Oven, Plate size 460 x 290mms Engraving 2.5mms x 0.5mms. Blade thickness 2.8 to 3mms. Baking time of 2.2minute...
Item # 9061 - WAFER SHEET OVEN Manufactured by HAAS Model SWA-30 Gas Fired 30 Baking Plates Baking Plates Dimensions 460 x 290mms Also with a Wafer Cream Spreading Machine 3 x 380Volt, 50Hz
Artículo #8817 – LÍNEA DE PRODUCCIÓN DE OBLEAS CON LÍNEA DE BAÑO DE CHOCOLATE Fabricado por HAAS/MORCOS Año 2020, Línea de obleas que incluye: (2) Hornos para láminas de obleas SWA-31G, tamaños...