Used Chocolate Enrober

Chocolate Enrober

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Item # 9125 - CHOCOLATE ENROBER Manufactured by SOLLICH Model UT280 280mms wide belt With Blower & Detailer With built in tempering

Used (2) Chocolate Enrobers

(2) Chocolate Enrobers

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Item # 9127 – (2) CHOCOLATE ENROBERS Manufactured by CHOCOMA One is Model 5B18B - 180mms wide One is Model 5B24A - 240mms wide

Used Chocolate Enrobing Line

Ligne d'enrobage de chocolat

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Article n° 9187 - LIGNE D'ENROBAGE DE CHOCOLAT Fabriqué par NIELSEN Année 2001 Tunnel d'enrobage et de refroidissement de 1 000 mm de large Enrobeuse de chocolat pour enrobage supérieur et infé...

Used Chocolate Bottom Enrober

Chocolate Bottom Enrober

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Item # 9189 - CHOCOLATE BOTTOM ENROBER Manufactured by SOLLICH Model Enromat EMN-820 800mms wide Chocolate Bottom Enrober Hold Down Roller, 2 x Blowers Not with built in tempering With SIEMEN...