Item # 7340 - (2) CANDY CUT AND FOLD WRAP MACHINE (available separately) Manufactured by THEEGARTEN-PACTEC Model WHF-EFC suitable for hard/soft caramels, toffees, chewy sweets, chewing/bubble gum. ...
Item #8647 – HARD CANDY STICKPACK WRAPPER Manufactured by ACMA GD Model GD-5000B, Set up for a “Halls Soothers” square type product, with 10 per pack.
Item # 8649 – HARD CANDY DOUBLE TWIST WRAPPER Manufactured by GD Model GD2400 Running on piece size 25mm x 20mm. Conveyor infeed 380v, 50hz 3ph Nominal speed up to 380 per minute
Item # 7316 – CANDY SINGLE TWIST WRAPPER Used to wrap filled bonbons Manufactured by THEEGARTEN PACTEC Model ELS Single twist top. Circa 400 per minute
Item #8716 – VIENNA CANDY FOLD WRAPPER Manufactured by NAGEMA Model EL-3, 380Volts, 50Hz. Set up for a product 38 x 16 x 11.5mms. nominal capacity depending on product and wrapping materials 2...
Item #8718 – HARD CANDY DOUBLE TWIST WRAPPER Manufactured by NAGEMA Model EU-4, Set up for a product 21 x 16 x 12mms nominal capacity depending on product and wrapping materials from 300 to 500...
Item #8806 – DOUBLE TWIST WRAPPER Manufactured by NAGEMA Model EL8 Including Vibratory Feeder. Was doing a Double Twist on a 20mms diameter Truffle Ball, and also has a Plate for Hard Candy Lo...
Item # 8866 - (2) HIGH SPEED COMBINATION CANDY FOLD WRAPPERS WITH INTEGRATED FLOWPACK WRAPPING High speed combination to wrap preformed eclairs and hard candy products arranged for one size each i...
Item #8897 - DOUBLE TWIST WRAPPER Manufactured by CARLE & MONTANARI Model CM.Y55 Previously being used to double twist wrap 8gramme jellies
Item # 8969 - (3) CANDY SINGLE TWIST WRAPPERS Manufactured by PACTEC Model EL3 Each with Vibratory Product Bowl Feeders Each with PLC for reading printed product film Set up for hard candy pie...